Guidelines for Participants
All the participants who have received the abstract acceptance mail for the poster/oral presentation will be accommodated in the students’ hostels of IIT Kanpur.
Poster dimension is A0 (36”(B) * 48″(H)). You may refer to the poster template here.
Download the high-resolution conference logos here
Put up the posters on the display board, during the lunch break prior to poster session.
Send the presentations for your Flash-Talks or Postdoc Talk at the most by 5th December. Upload your presentations by 5th December 5pm here. The name of the presentation file should be in the format: Category_ParticipantName. (For e.g.; FlashTalk_John Doe)
Flash Talk Duration is 5 min (3 min presentation +2 min Q&A).
Postdoc Talk duration is 10 min (8 min presentation +2 min Q&A).
All presentations will be on afternoon of 6th and 7th December.
Winners will be awarded Certificate and Prize amount in a ceremony on morning of 8th December.
All Talks will be held in the Lecture Hall Complex of IIT Kanpur.
Talks of regenerative medicine, molecular medicine, and digital medicine session will run parallel in lecture halls L18, L19, and L20.
Lunch and Dinner will be in the Lawns of Main Auditorium of IIT Kanpur.